Solar Kits for Hot Water
The family solar system we offer in three different sizes and always includes the following components:

  • Solar collector with vacuum tubes
  • CPC or flat mirrors
  • Stainless steel hot water tank
  • Mounting frame.
Family Solar Thermosiphon System
The solar thermosiphon system has the following advantages:

  • Vacuum technology of CPC solar collectors is internationally the most advanced level of development in the area of solar water heating.
            (CPC = Parabolic Concentration Compound)
  • Apart from the sun, no other energy source is required.
  • No electrical equipment is needed such as circulation pumps or mescladoras.
  • It is automatic system, does not require regulation.
The solar thermosiphon system can be used where hot water is needed without generating energy costs or where apart from the sun there is no other energy source:

  • Family or multi-family houses
  • Apartment houses
  • Country houses
  • Farms and farms
  • Hotels and Hostels
Solar family thermosiphon system
The solar thermosiphon system can be used:

  • for the showers
  • for the toilets
  • for the whirlpool
  • for the clothes washer
  • to cook
  • in industrial processes
  • etc.
Sol Solar agua caliente
Agua caliente con energia solar
Solar family thermosiphon system
TermoSifón - Calefón solar familiar integral
Quito, Ecuador, Sudamérica
Phocos Reguladores Controladres Controllers Regler
Energias Renovables America Latina
pumps prices America Renewable Energy
bombas precios Energias Renovables Ecuador Sudamerica
Pumpen Preise Sudamerika Erneuerbare Energien
Quito Guayaquil Ambato Loja Cuenca
Ibarra Otavalo Puyo Macas
Energia renovable ecuador cuenca loja
Modulos Placas Paneles Celdas FV